
When Things Don't Work Out as Planned

Not everything will turn out the way we wish it would. Since we will have to deal with this, we need to think about how we will react when things don’t happen as planned. Your reactions to these situations will always depend on your self-talk.

If your self-talk is the kind you have when you are angry, sad, bitter, or stressed, you will become angry, sad, bitter, or stressed. If your self- talk is the kind you have when you react wisely or joyfully, you will become wiser or joyful.

If your self-talk is the kind you have when you react in a spiritually elevated way, you will become more spiritual. If your self-talk is the kind you have when you find something good and positive, you will find something good and positive and will feel good.

Regardless of your initial reaction, you can always choose to change your current self-talk. You can learn to respond in the way that you really wish to respond.

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